Monday, November 19, 2007

console sales, japan, nov 5 - 11

- DS Lite: 78,854
- PSP: 58,964
- PS3: 55,924
- Wii: 34,546
- PS2: 9,043
- Xbox 360: 5,817

that´s a 10 to 1 ratio for the ps3 versus the x360, and almost a 2:1 ratio for ps3 vs wii, and to make things even worse, that period only reflects one single day of sales after the pricedrop so next period should boost even higher numbers for the ps3.

Another thing to keep in mind here is that put´s sony as the nr.1 console division in Japan, the psp,ps3 and ps2 outsells nintendos combined sales.

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