Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Hd-vmd in real life test

The player NME ML777S is noisy but delivers a decent picture and sound quality on Mel gibsons the apocalypto, however it has issues with panoramas since it doesnt support 1080p 24 and it lacks the content of blu-ray and worst of all, it´s dvd upscale is horrible, it´s ugly looking and several movies kills the player...

Despite the player freezing, which could be credited to a monday morning example, the picture quality when upscaling dvd´s is plain and simply ugly! and the lack of hd movie support makes this a big no no in our humble opinion.

If you´re looking for a true HD movie format, go with blu-ray or hd-dvd(which we think you should avoid since blu-ray is sweeping the stage globaly, kind of stupid to buy into a format that looks like it´s going to extinction, but we might be wrong) anyway, hd-vmd should be left in the dust when you decide which hd movie format to go with.

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