Thursday, August 9, 2007

hd.Universal stupidity leak

Well i frankly have no other word for it.
Aparently Universals President Craig Kornblau thinks that hd-dvd is on the brink of extinction and that if universal would go neutral and start releasing blu-ray movies that would kill of hd-dvd right away....

So he wants the format war to continue by not selling blu-ray content forcing the poor folks that do pick hd-dvd players to pay up for a format he doesnt even believe in himself, and he also said that by the end of the year Universal will perhaps decide to go blu-ray, which translates to, sure hd-dvd is losing but hey, the ones that pays for hd-dvd players until we start pushing blu-ray can always buy a new hd movie player next year.

I mean, it´s one thing if he atleast believed in his hd format, then it would atleast be justified to continue fightning even tho blu-ray is increasing it´s lead, just look at the recent 300 release, the blu-ray version is just plain smoking the hd-dvd version, but this guy doesnt even believe in hd-dvd winning, he just wants you to rebuy hard and software once universal has made their switch in 6 month, 12 month or whatever the date will be.

More info here

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