Thursday, March 1, 2007

habbo. closed by night

youth centered community site habbo have gone from being under heavy pressure to doing their best to clean up their act, and it´s now even tucking in it´s members and saying, good night, sleep tight and dont let the bedbugs bite.. Or something like it.

They close down during 01.00 ´til 07.00 during the night.

Well, actually i like it, it´s a neat idea since their target group is kids around 11 and 15, however, realy.. If a 11 year old is up in the middle of the night, online it´s not the website doing anything wrong, it´s the parents.

Sure kids, should be kids and they are wild and crazy, i know, i remember how i was, but in the middle of the week, kids should sleep and that´s up to the parents.

With that said tho, it´s a cute marketing move and i think they should be commended for that since it´s also one that makes sense.

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