Saturday, July 28, 2007

ps3.heavenly sword pt.II

Yep, it´s time for part two in the heavenly sword demo saga :)
well a couple of things worth mentioning about this demo that´s once again straight from the horses mouth, which of course is ninja theory themselves.

A: this is a realy old build, so the game as it is today is improved and polished alot better.

B: Hell mode is available straight from the bat but it´s so hard that ninja theory actually had to prove to sony´s testers that it´s possible to finish the game playing on hell mode.

C: Ninja theory had this to say about the people thinking this will be one more button smasher like god of war:

Bare in mind, that what you're playing now is a level early on in the story, you can scrape through it just by mashing buttons - try that in the later chapters and you'll get your (gorgeous) ass handed to you on a plate...

D: blocking isnt automatic, you need to use the right stance and also combine blocking with counter moves to survive the real deal that is heavenly sword, in other words, the demo is one thing and the game is far more challenging, great news.

I dont know about you, but playing this old build and reading stuff like that made me look forward even more ´til the release of heavenly sword because for me, hearing that you have to dig deep down in the complexity of blocking, countering and stances and combos instead of just smashing away is worth alot, because frankly, button smashing games might be cool looking and gorgous in every other way possible but still lacking to much as far as combat goes, and combat is a big part of any game.

So now that we know that we have a gorgous game, with better and smoother animations then anything else i´ve seen, top notch sound and great cut scenes and what looks like an interesting story, coupled with beautyful and complex combat and plain full stellar environments and production value.

sounds interesting for sure, just hope the final game isnt as short as the demo.
A well, this is a must buy for our little family and that´s all there is to it :)

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