Monday, July 30, 2007

ps3.heavenly sword, 6 gameplay tips

Starting of with a qoute and then a link to an article, you might just as i did knew about all of em or most of em but then again you might have missed out of em all together aswell, if you still feel that heavenly sword is a button masher then this article is for you tho and it will most likely make the game alot more enjoyable.

Hitting the X button will pick up any inert object in the environment - which here means barrels, discarded swords and hats, bits of broken furniture and dead bodies - and hitting it again will cause Nariko to hurl whatever she's grabbed with a great deal of force. If you hold down the button, however, you can use "aftertouch" to get a close-up view of the objects and control them in flight; just tilt the Sixaxis to steer them left or right. This is endlessly entertaining, especially when you're using it to fling corpses into bad guys or off cliffs.

And as promised here´s the article

heavenly sword, gameplay tips

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