Saturday, July 28, 2007

ps3.heavenly sword demo

a few notes and impressions from the hs demo.

1. it´s short, way to short :)
2. it´s great, great looking, pure and simply off the charts graphics
3. great animations, smooth and dynamic and just so great looking
4. nope, there´s no pre rendered cgi in the demo, it´s all done via the game engines, and nope, that´s not me intepreting, it´s straight from the dev´s mouth.
5. qouting the dev´s

"There are three types of 'cutscene' in the game.

Firstly - the big, expensive, full on, traditional style CG cutscene.

Second, there's stuff that's done using the game engine.

Thirdly, there's stuff like the the intro you saw to the demo last night - which is again produced by the engine cutscene, but then recorded into a movie so we can play it whilst something loads in the background.

Hope that clears it up"
6. well, the game looks that good, that you actually believe it is all pre rendered, but it isnt, and i have to say that it´s the first time i´ve felt like playing a real hd game.

7.the story seems like a nice one and the cut scenes are of the highest quality

8. well i would have prefered being able to jump anytime and having more then 3 attackbuttons, as it is you have two main buttons, square and triangle performing your attacks and combos depending on which weapon you use, and switching weapons is instant so it´s a fluid and very smooth experience even just using two main buttons.

but x also serves as an viable attackbutton since it lets you pick up anything from bodies to weapons and chairs, etcetera, and throw them at your enemeies or surroundings, and btw, you can actually control whatever you have thrown due to the sixaxis motionsensor.

But it would have been nicer having alittle more buttons for the main attacks and a jump button, as it is now you can only jump during special seequences through x or doing aerial combos during fight´s with the sixaxis motion sensor.

So it would have been nice just being able to jump whenever and wherever, but who knows that might be in the final game.

9. changing weapons isnt just smooth, it´s also requird of you to survive and being able to block enemy attacks, so fighting might sound like a button smasher and at first it feels like it, but it´s actually very complex, tos in the blocking, the weapon changing, the aerial combos due to the sixaxis and the evasive moves of the second analog stick and you´ll get a very smooth and dynamic experience.

Btw, the animations are by far the best i´ve seen in any game, it´s just so smooth.

10. finaly, the demo is just so short, it realy is way to short and that´s why it get´s two notes instead of just one, because it leaves you wanting more but also dissapointed, ninja theory should have done themselves a favour and released a demo that featured a few places, fights and environments.

that would have pleased me and alot more people. As it is now, i know some people that got turned off because the demo is easy to just smash through leaving you thinking the game is shallow but extremely pretty, unless you do sit down and actually learn to play it.

releasing a bigger demo would have fixed that issue all by itself, but granted this game makes use of so high definition textures and cut scenes and animations that a bigger demo would have ment a 2 to 3 gig download... so i guess it just wasnt an option for sony due to the enormous filesize it would have rendered.

11. oh before i forget it, sound is excellent!

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