Well if you´re like us you cant enough of warhawk so here´s some specifiqs from the soon to be released free 1.2 update.
5 new layouts (4 to 8 player layouts)
* Eucadia: High City
* Island Outpost: Standoff
* The Badlands: South City
* Destroyed Capitol: Garden Showdown
* Archipelago: Close Corridors
Other updates includes, but arent limited to
Buddy slot reservations which makes sure that if you started the server, your friends will always be able to connect, so no need to lock down a server completely, great news!
And finaly, just like games like Singstar, warhawk will from now on have their own integrated psn store, great stuff once again, you´ll still reach all your warhawk stuff on the regular psn store, but if you´re already gaming (warhawk that is) no more need to hit xmb and then visiting the store, just check out and purchase or download whatever you need straight from the game. Can we hope for an integration on the same extraordinary level as the singstore.
+ lot´s of game fixes and so forth.
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