Monday, November 19, 2007

First year sales numbers, ps3,ps2 and ps1

Well hard cold numbers cant be argued with but still alot of people claim that the playstation 3´s first year is so much worse then the ps2 and ps1 had, so here it is.

worldwide shipments through year 1.

Ps1: 3.7 million
Ps2: 10 million
Ps3: 6.8 million

3.2 million less then the ps2 but with alot, lot higher pricetag, and more then twice the numbers of the ps1, hard to call that a bad first year.

Sure it could have been even better, but the truth is, if you ask me, that the majority of people complaining are the ones that would liked to purchase a ps3 during it´s first year but never could afford it, to me it´s worth the money and was worth the money on it´s launch day and i would go so far to say it´s priced realy low as of now.

Sure price will go down alittle more next year, but the ps3 is so much value for your money it´s ridiculus, pricy yes, but more then worth it.

Now, the only letdown has been the number of games, the quality is there with several great titles like Warhawk, ratchet and clank, motostorm, nhl 08, skate, oblivion, call of duty 4, uncharted: drakes fortune, heavenly sword and low prices combined with crazy "party" game fun for titles like calling all cars is there, so qualitywise there´s nothing to complain about, but quantity wise the ps3 has had the worst year of the 3 syblings.

Now, all that is about to change with hundreds of games coming out during the coming year and plenty of games hitting home during december, november + i dont see anything to complain about, roughly 70 games in it´s first year is more then anyone could purchase anyway so i rather take good games with a highquality feeling to them then 200+ less great games.

Now, that isnt to say i woudnt have enjoyed having little big planet right now or gran turismo 5, mgs4, the next final fantasy and a hord of other games :) but what we have is more then enough heck i dont even have time to play skate as it is..

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