Friday, October 5, 2007

official. ps3 40 gig eta, 10 october in Europe

Yep, it´s straight from the horses mouth and hot of the heels from the best eu psn store update ever.

The latest adition to the ps3 console lineup is a very affordable 40gig version, with just two usb ports, no card reader and 20 gig less hd space, but for a very low price.

You´re also loosing out on ps2 backwards compability, which will be a 60 gig only feature, everything else is the same and i have to say it´s great value and the big price difference will realy let people make their own choice, we´re not talking about a 50us$ difference either, the 40 gig version will go for €399 and the existing starter pack will drop in price to €499:- which in my opinion is an even better value for a new playstation 3 user.

Anyway, aparently something bigger will come our way here in Europe aswell since the 60 gig 499:- starter pack price is aslong as supplies is lasting, which sounds to me like we´re getting a 160gig or bigger ps3 starter pack in 2008, yeah i know Sony claims the 40gig will be the only one available in Europe, but who realy believes that? I dont :)

Official scee press release

A well, you know you want one so go ahead and pick up a shiny black ps3 for christmas now that the price is temporarily dropped, or go for the 40 gig package.

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