A pretty handy online webresource from the Swishmax creators which shows off more or less every single feature of the soon to be released swishmax 2 version.
I´m myself evaluating the latest swishmax incarnation and i have to say that Swishzone realy has a nice trackrecord, what started out as a user friendly flash authoring application mainly focused on cheesy text effects in the first swish incarnation labeled swish has matured through each generation and with swishmax 2 it´s clear that besides flashpro, Adobe´s own flash authoring application swishmax 2 is the clear choice for both hobbyists and pro´s.
One realy shoudnt pay to much attention to the cheesy and old legacy of swish, swishmax 2 is a serious flash authoring application and makes use of the same terms and scripts as flashpro due to swishzone deciding to drop their own swishcript remake of actionscript.
But what swishzone has kept is the userfriendly approach, the application is just that more intuitive to take up and learn with as you dwelve deeper into the realms of flash development and design.
Swishmax 2 still lacks a few of flash pro´s features but the difference is alot smaller then what most pro´s would imagine, on the other hand, if you´re already mastering flashpro, well then there´s nothing to gain from picking up swishmax 2.
If you´re a newcomer tho, or if you master flashpro but realy arent into it´s workflow and gui, well then swishmax 2 is an excellent choice, same thing literally, but it behaves friendlier and feels friendlier.
As for myself, well i´ve been using flash since macromedias days and im still using flash now that adobe bought it, but i´m also using swish since the early days of swish 1, so i´ve been through alot of incarnations from both adobe,macromedia and swishzone, all through swish 1 to 2, to swishmax 1 and now the beta testing of swishmax 2.
And you know what, i´ll continue to use both productlines, because the truth is, i realy do prefer the workflow of swishmax 2 compared to flash pro, but some things still are alot better in flashpro or not supported yet by swishmax, so for me both apps do have their place, for other´s flashpro is the only thing they´ll need and for other´s swishmax 2 is a much, much better flash authoring application.
Anyway, check out the online reference for swishmax 2 to get alittle more beef on your feet´s before making your decision, or just download the public beta version and find out for yourself what´s the deal with it.
What´s up with sm 2
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