Wednesday, May 16, 2007

console price comparision.1976-2007

Nothing much to say about that since it´s pretty to the point all by itself and everyone´s free to contemplent over the chart.

My personal reflection is that current consoles aint that expensive at all, comparing the relative price and then weighing in the different hardware and software features of each console and well to me that put´s both the ps3 and xbox 360 in a very favorably position and especialy the ps3 comes off as more then worth it´s price if you factor in it´s media center capability.

Which of course is a moot point if all you´re going to do is play games, but even then both consoles aint that pricy.

And of course, prices will continue to fall aswell and in the end, the loss that both microsoft and sony is making on their consoledivisions right now will as always be turned into a profit since launching a console is about longevity and it´s entire lifespan, as it always has been but usualy forgotten by "media" every single time a console launch happens.

image based price chart

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