Sunday, March 11, 2007

Modo Hockey.blogg and webb

Modo hockey.2007 blogg

3 games into the playoff so i´ll dedicate this post to Modo Hockey, Modo´s one game ahead of timra right now and thus has a 2-1 lead after 3 exciting playoffgames.

We´ve been in place during game 2 and 3 and enjoyed game 1 on the tv, game 3 was in timra so we joined the fan club buss and what a blast it was, great fun and yep, our throat realy hurts after screaming our ass of for two straight games.

And of course, we´ll be in place, watching game four in swedbank arena. swedens finest ice hockey arena, our hopes are that modo will take two straight games, making it 4-1 in games and thus advance to the semifinals, and with two straight home games it doesnt look impossible at all.

anyway, more reports later on from the match series that´s been dubbed the vasternorrland war and considerd the tightest of all the quarterfinals.


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